It’s been four days since our trout were delivered to the Paul School in Wakefield. After a rough count of the eggs in the tank, it looks like we have around 230! So far we’ve only had one egg turn white and die. It is important to take out dead eggs as soon as possible, in order to keep any potentially harmful bacteria from spreading to the other eggs.
Most of our eggs are still in the Strongly Eyed stage and are currently 53.52% developed. We also had one egg enter the Alevin (al-e-vun) stage. At this stage the trout has emerged from the egg, and you can see that the egg sac is still attached to the trout. The trout will continue to feed off of its egg sac, which contains all of the food it needs during this step. Eventually the sac will disappear and absorb into the trout, and at this point we will have to provide them with food.
Keep checking back in with us for more updates!