The Eagle Road Association has achieved its goals of implementing proper roadway Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for their private Road on Wilson Lake in Acton, ME. In the past, Eagle Road has been flat with an undersized drainage system which allowed much of the water coming off of the road to enter the lake. Now, thanks to the Eagle Road Association, Maine DEP, Acorn Engineering, AWWA, and Mooney Excavation the road is crowned with a wide, vegetated swale on the side farthest from the lake. This will allow water to be properly dispersed and infiltrated along the distance of the road versus gathering and overwhelming the drainage system at various points. AWWA was even able to get out to the site during implementation and lend a hand installing Curlex matting, which will prevent the conservation grass seed vegetating the swale from eroding away.
Funding for this project was provided in part by a Watershed Assistance Grant from the ME Department of Environmental Protection with Clean Water Act Section 319 funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.