This past Sunday, the Acton Wakefield Watersheds Alliance hosted a workshop on Invasive Aquatic Species at the Acton Town Hall. Representatives from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Exotic Species Program, the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program in Maine, and the York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project spoke about the invasive species currently in our area and the species Maine and New Hampshire may have to deal with in the near future.

Amy Smagula of the NH DES teaches New Hampshire residents about aquatic invasives.

The workshop floor bustled with activity as local residents made their way around to view the different types of native and invasive plants.
67 attendants learned how to correctly identify a vast array of different invasives, how to conduct an invasive species survey in their respective states, and what to do if they find an invasive in their lake. The workshop was a success in e very way imaginable, and we want to thank everyone who came out to help protect their lake and all those who helped pull this great event together!