In 2013, a watershed survey around Province Lake was conducted to identify erosion sites and possible sources of pollution. During that initial survey, there were a few sites identified as high priority and contributing high volumes of soil and sand. Over the past several years, AWWA has worked with various stakeholders to make improvements on residential properties by applying for 319 Grant funds through the Department of Environmental Protection (EPA) and NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES).
This week we took a field trip up to Province Lake to check out how some of our projects were doing. The following two projects are located on Bonnyman Road and were identified as two of the worst residential erosion sources because of the amount of sediment they were contributing. Both properties have expansive lawns, and they did not have any stormwater management in place to prevent their sandy beaches from washing into the lake. Check out the before, during, and after photos below!
Project #1 – Completed 2016

You never know what you’ll encounter when you’re out inspecting projects! This cow decided to help!

Project #2 – Completed 2017

Our 3rd stop was to the Route 153 beach where the YCC installed a 200 ft. vegetated buffer with erosion control mulch this summer. Even though this buffer is only a few months old, it’s already doing a great job at stopping road runoff and catching sand!
Since 2014, the YCC has been adding sections of vegetated buffer along RT-153 on privately owned property at Province Lake. This road causes major issues for the shoreline, and much of the road is unarmored. Large washouts and gullies in the sand occur up and down the beach. In the Province Lake Watershed Management Plan this road was identified as a major pollutant contributor. Check out the photos below.
Project #3 – Completed 2018