On January 24th, the eggs traveled from a fish hatchery in Casco, Maine to Acton Elementary! The school was a buzz with many people asking if the eggs had finally arrived, and asking to sneak a peak. Before revealing the eggs to the 7th graders, we talked about brook trout life cycles and how our eggs came to be.
Finally, it was time to take a look at the eggs! “That’s 300 brook trout?” they said in disbelief, as the eggs filled the bottom of a mason jar. Their tiny size is always a shock to anyone looking at a brook trout egg for the first time.

The eggs were distributed to small groups, as the 7th grade made scientific observations. It’s a truly great program that inspires students to ask many great questions; some of which result in a good old fashioned google search, because we’re still learning too!

Keep checking back in with us for all things trout!
Check out our previous Trout in the Classroom blog posts:
Tank Tales: Acton Student Asks “That’s cool, but why?”
Tank Tales: Brook Trout Eggs Arrive in Wakefield!
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